Photo by Beth Horstman
We share with you these truths: Vibrant, healthy waterways are essential to the well-being of our communities. Our rivers and creeks define our quality of life and bring people together. Restoring and protecting them is a critically important challenge. Help us continue to rise to this challenge by giving a year-end donation to ShoreRivers.
Resulting from the merger of three organizations this past January, ShoreRivers works for healthy Eastern Shore waterways through science-based advocacy, restoration, and education. We are a regional force for clean water – and you are a part of the team.
Our dedicated, knowledgeable members are the eyes, ears, and voices for our work. You swell our numbers from a 17-person staff to a 3,500-member team working for clean water in every creek from Cecilton to Cambridge. Here are a few examples of how you, our members, have strengthened our impact:
You have worked with us to install 85 projects on your land, farms, schools, and parks, preventing 83,000 pounds of nitrogen, 16,000 pounds of phosphorus, and 2,700 tons of sediment from washing into our rivers every year. Pictured below in the middle is the installation of a denitrifying bioreactor, an example of one of our many agricultural restoration projects.
Over 130 of you commit significant volunteer time on our water quality monitoring teams, tracking the health of our creeks and streams at 138 sites and enabling us to monitor trends, identify pollution hot spots, and prioritize areas for restoration work.
Hundreds of community members and local leaders in Cambridge have worked with us to advance clean water initiatives through city planning, installation of residential projects, and faith-based stewardship activities. Pictured above on the left, a member of the Cambridge Residential Stewardship Initiative installs landscaping that will slow and filter water before it enters the Choptank River.
Over 340 of you celebrated at our annual Summer Solstice Gala in June and helped us raise the funds to move our northern office into the new Chestertown Marina building, where our mission for clean water will be front and center along the town’s waterfront. Additionally, over 1,000 supporters have attended our Wild & Scenic Film Festivals, State of the River events, Ride for Clean Rivers, and Chester River Challenge run, learning about pollution in our rivers and supporting our work for clean water.
Over 1,500 students across five Eastern Shore counties are engaged in our education programs which connect students to their back-yard rivers through hands-on research and action. Pictured above on the right, our Miles-Wye Riverkeeper canoes with students on the Choptank. We strive to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards to carry this important work into the future.
Thank you for being part of these efforts. Your contributions of time, expertise, and donations make a difference, and your continuing support is critical to our success. Please help us begin the New Year on strong financial footing with a donation to our Annual Appeal.
Jeff Horstman
Executive Director
Brennan Starkey
Chairman of the Board